Lektion 90

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Es ist kein Leben, keine Wahrheit, keine Intelligenz und keine Substanz in der Materie. Alles ist unendliches Gemüt und seine unendliche Manifestation, denn Gott ist Alles-in-allem.

Mary Baker Eddy

Du wirst nie allein sein.

Du wirst Dich nie in einer Leere wiederfinden.

Du wirst nie mit Angst zu tun haben.

Dergestalt ist die Liebe, die ich (Jesus) Dir gebe.

Denn so ist die Botschaft von Ein Kurs in Wundern.

Jeshua via Brent Haskell, “Du bist unverletztlich”

Brent Haskell – Liebe und Kreuzigung

Hier findest Du die Botschaft der Kreuzigung aus Ein Kurs in Wundern / Kapitel 6 als Audio von Simone Fugger, vielen Dank.

Acts of John – Jünger Jesu

Heute nun der Teil aus den Acts of John, wo Johannes, der Jünger Jesus über das “Mystische Kreuz” spricht. Mich hat es innerlich sehr berührt, Dich vielleicht auch?

The Mystic Cross


Thus, my beloved, having danced with us the Lord went forth. And we as men gone astray or dazed with sleep fled this way and that. I, then, when I saw him suffer, did not even abide by his suffering, but fled unto the Mount of Olives, weeping at that which had befallen. And when he was crucified on the Friday, at the sixth hour of the day, darkness came upon all the earth. And my Lord standing in the midst of the cave and enlightening it, said: John, unto the multitude below in Jerusalem I am being crucified and pierced with lances and reeds, and gall and vinegar is given me to drink. But unto thee I speak, and what I speak hear thou. I put it into thy mind to come up into this mountain, that thou mightest hear those things which it behoveth a disciple to learn from his teacher and a man from his God.


And having thus spoken, he showed me a cross of light fixed, and about the cross a great multitude, not having one form: and in it (the cross) was one form and one likeness. And the Lord himself I beheld above the cross, not having any shape, but only a voice: and a voice not such as was familiar to us, but one sweet and kind and truly of God, saying unto me: John, it is needful that one should hear these things from me, for I have need of one that will hear. This cross of light is sometimes called the word by me for your sakes, sometimes mind, sometimes Jesus, sometimes Christ, sometimes door, sometimes a way, sometimes bread, sometimes seed, sometimes resurrection, sometimes Son, sometimes Father, sometimes Spirit, sometimes life, sometimes truth, sometimes faith, sometimes grace. And by these names it is called as toward men: but that which it is in truth, as conceived of in itself and as spoken of unto you, it is the marking-off of all things, and the firm uplifting of things fixed out of things unstable, and the harmony of wisdom, and indeed wisdom in harmony. There areof the right hand and the left, powers also, authorities, lordships and demons, workings, threatenings, wraths, devils, Satan, and the lower root whence the nature of the things that come into being proceeded.


This cross, then, is that which joined all things unto itself by a word, and separate off the things that are from those that are below, and then also, being one, streamed forth into all things, making all into one. But this is not the cross of wood which thou wilt see when thou goest down hence: neither am I he that is on the cross, whom now thou seest not, but only hearest a voice. I was reckoned to be that which I am not, not being what I was unto many others: but they will call me (say of me) something else which is vile and not worthy of me. As, then, the place of rest is neither seen nor spoken of, much more shall I, the Lord thereof, be neither seen nor spoken of.

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Heilige Karwoche – Ostern mit Ein Kurs in Wundern


Now the uniform crowd around the Cross is the Lower Nature, but those whom thou seest in the Cross, if they have not also one form (it is because) every Limb of the One who came down has not yet been gathered together. But as soon as the Higher Nature and Race, coming to me in obedience to my Voice, is taken up, then what does not hear me now will become as thou art, and shall no longer be what it is now, but over them even as I am now. For until thou callest thyself mine, I am not that which I am, but if thou hearest me attentively, thou too shalt be as I am, while I shall be what I was, as soon as I have beside myself thee as I am. For from this thou art.


Nothing, therefore, of the things which they will say of me have I suffered: nay, that suffering also which I showed unto thee and the rest in the dance, I will that it be called a mystery. For what thou art, thou seest, for I showed it thee; but what I am I alone know, and no man else. Suffer me then to keep that which is mine, and that which is thine behold thou through me, and behold me in truth, that I am, not what I said, but what thou art able to know, because thou art akin thereto. Thou hearest that I suffered, yet did I not suffer; that I suffered not, yet did I suffer; that I was pierced, yet I was not smitten; hanged, and I was not hanged; that blood flowed from me, and it flowed not; and, in a word, what they say of me, that befell me not, but what they say not, that did I suffer. Now what those things are I signify unto thee, for I know that thou wilt understand. Perceive thou therefore in me the rest of the Word (Logos), the piercing of the Word, the blood of the Word, the wound of the Word, the hanging up of the Word, the suffering of the Word, the nailing (fixing) of the Word, the death of the Word. And so speak I, separating off the manhood. Perceive thou therefore in the first place of the Word; then shalt thou perceive the Lord, and in the third place the man, and what he hath suffered.


When he had spoken unto me these things, and others which I know not how to say as he would have me, he was taken up, no one of the multitudes having beheld him. And when I went down I laughed them all to scorn, inasmuch as he had told me the things which they have said concerning him; holding fast this one thing in myself, that the Lord contrived all things symbolically and by a dispensation toward men, for their conversion and salvation.

Quelle: gnosis.org

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Freude – Ein Kurs in wundern Session – Aleph Akademie – Spotify – Ostern

Gemeinsam durch die offene Tür

Jesus sagt: “Wenn Du mir tust, was Du meinem Bruder tust, und Du alles für Dich selber tust, weil wir Teil von Dir sind, gehört Dir ebenfalls alles, was wir tun. – Jeder den GOTT erschaffen hat, ist Teil von Dir und teilt SEINE Herrlichkeit mit Dir. SEINE Herrlichkeit gehört IHM, aber SIE ist ebenso Dein. DU kannst also nicht weniger herrlich sein als ER.” (aus Kapitel 9, 3.)

Der Gott der Hoffnung aber erfülle euch mit aller Freude und Frieden im Glauben, dass ihr immer reicher werdet an Hoffnung durch die Kraft des Heiligen Geistes.

Römer 15:13

Gehen wir also gemeinsam, wenn Du magst heute durch die Tür die CHRISTUS für Dich und mich offen hält. Kommen wir gemeinsam zu Jesus im Geiste, wo wir uns mit ihm einst verbunden haben. GOTT ist unser Leben, das Deine und das meine und GOTT verweigert SEINEM SOHN nichts.

Danke, GOTT, dass wir jetzt gemeinsam den Ort betreten, wo mein Bruder und ich nach DEINEM WILLEN mit dem CHRISTUS sein sollen.

Freudig empfangen wir als das Eine Selbst, vereint in DIR, den Segen, den Du in DEINER unendlichen Liebe über uns ausschüttest!

WIr sind hier GOTT, wir sind, wo DU bist. Wir lieben DICH!

Wenn Du magst, ziehe hier Deine individuellen Tagesbotschaften.

If you ask Me for anything in My name, I will do it.

John 14

Peace I Leave with You

27Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled; do not be afraid. 28You heard Me say, ‘I am going away, and I am coming back to you.’ If you loved Me, you would rejoice that I am going to the Father, because the Father is greater than I. 29And now I have told you before it happens, so that when it does happen, you will believe.

30I will not speak with you much longer, for the prince of this world is coming, and he has no claim on Me. 31But I do exactly what the Father has commanded Me, so that the world may know that I love the Father.


Begegnung statt Kreuzigung – Maria – Mein Licht spricht – Zum Kurs

So nimm denn meine Hände

Das Gedicht „So nimm denn meine Hände“ stammt aus der Feder von Julie Hausmann.

So nimm denn meine Hände
Und führe mich
Bis an mein selig Ende
Und ewiglich!
Ich mag allein nicht gehen,
Nicht einen Schritt;
Wo du wirst geh´n und stehen,
Da nimm mich mit.

In dein Erbarmen Hülle
Mein schwaches Herz
Und mach es gänzlich stille
In Freud und Schmerz.
Laß ruhn zu deinen Füßen
Dein armes Kind;
Es will die Augen schließen
Und glauben blind.

Wenn ich auch gleich nicht fühle
Von deiner Macht,
Du bringst mich doch zum Ziele,
Auch durch die Nacht.
So nimm denn meine Hände
Und führe mich
Bis an mein selig Ende
Und ewiglich!

Quelle: Gedichte7.de

Dankbarkeit sucht über der Gabe den Geber.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

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