Lektion 121

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Und hier geht es zu einem Video von Gottfried Sumser, Lehrer GOTTES zum Verständnis der heutigen Lektion, vielen Dank.

Fragen zur Kontemplation: Sind wir bereit, das aufzugeben, was wir wollen?  Sind wir bereit, das Universum/Geist bringen zu lassen, was es will?  Sind wir bereit, alles anzunehmen, was kommt, und gleichzeitig alle abweichenden Interpretationen aufzugeben, die in unserem Gehirn aufkommen?

“You must not let your life run in the ordinary way; do something that nobody else has done, something that will dazzle the world. Show that God’s creative principle works in you.”


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Over the abyss

my body was present, but my soul was in abyss.

My body was there, but not the soul within,
I felt something strange, a battle to begin.
Unfamiliar feelings, emotions untamed,
Lost in a world where I couldn’t be named.

I moved and spoke, but the words felt astray,
As if I were dancing to a tune I couldn’t play.
My body, a vessel, devoid of the core,
A silent, empty vessel, craving something more.

In the silence of that moment, I yearned to be whole,
To reunite with my soul, to fill the gaping hole.
For I knew in that instance, what was truly amiss,
My body was present, but my soul was in abyss.

“You do not have to struggle to reach God, but you do have to struggle to tear away the self-created veil that hides him from you”


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Love is Falling

Into an abyss
Into a deep hole of ripples

a formality of our imagination

Floating in the imagery of a shadow
in forms of light

The good or the bad
One can lose sense of self and mobility
When returned from such abyss
No fault of our own
No regret

realizing to only fall for ourselves into the abyss.

Endless self love.

Doch ich sage euch: Hängt nicht wehmütig diesen Wundern nach! Bleibt nicht bei der Vergangenheit stehen!

Jesaja 43:18

Dragged Into The Abyss

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Falling into the arms of sleep
I wonder of the hardships I keep
The pain I bring, force upon myself
Upon those within my grasp
Dragging them down as I spiral
Into the abyss of my mind

Quelle: Abyss / Poetry

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.


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